Safety first, Birmingham

In partnership with MotaGoGo, Q-Park has installed an innovative tyre tread scanner at Q-Park Mailbox in the centre of Birmingham. This offers motorists a free tyre check as they exit the car park.
Motorists simply drive over a small ramp as they exit the car park and the scanner automatically checks the condition of the tyres. To see the results, customers can either go to the Q-Park Rewards app or the MotaGoGo website where they simply enter their vehicle registration to view the condition of the tyres and depth of tread measured.
The aim of this partnership is to increase road safety and provide added value for Q-Park customers. This innovation stems from Q-Park’s passion to be at the leading edge of technological developments in the car parking market.
Tyres are crucial to road safety. The regular vehicle roadworthiness checks that are mandatory in all European countries require a minimum tread of 1.6 mm. However, motorists are recommended to replace tyres with less than 2.5 mm tread depth. Motorist may not notice their tyres being damaged by poor road surfaces or hitting a kerb. This tyre check service can contribute to the safety of our customers.
A recent UK survey reported that more than 1,000 people per year are killed or seriously injured from accidents involving cars with faulty tyres. In addition to this, there are fines and driving licence penalties for driving with tyres under the legal tread limit.
More about this tyre safety partnership.